What will we be doing differently?
Across the wellness and especially the massage industry this is question that continues to pop up in Facebook groups across America. At first, I admit I was like well for me "Business as usual" I mean, we always do sanitize all surfaces between clients, have our laundry done by a professional service, we wash our hands before and after touching a client and we encourage clients to re-book if they are sick. That should cover everything, right? Wrong, If there is one thing we have learned from COVID 19 is to fear and prepare better for the unseen.
This virus paralyzed the world, caught us by surprise and crippled the economy and even more the small businesses that may never be able to recover. So, what will the massage industry be doing differently? I can't speak for all but I can speak for my business. After much thought and consideration to what is at stake here, for starters we plan on taking extra precautions by first, wearing a mask, especially during a massage session to avoid having contact with any droplets that may be in the air. We all know that massage is an intimate profession, we are in a small room with a client and as we maneuver around performing the massage we do get close enough that if that client sneezes or coughs we can be exposed to something by an asymptomatic person. Second, we may consider the use of gloves as well to preform the massage session. We do understand that not everyone will be open to this but speaking from experience, there is barely any difference. Lastly, we will install the fiberglass or acrylic sneeze guard to protect against and reduce the chance of any droplets in the air are in the path of our staff.
One thing remains true and that is that our staff and clients safety is our priority, we will continue to change with the times to accommodate our clients needs so that they feel safe enough to trust us by continuing to invest in their well being.
Anaika@The Serene Spot