We wanted to take a moment to make you aware of a few FREE additions to our practice that you may not know about which can benefit you

As you may have noticed, we have a recovery area where our clients pay to use the NORMATEC compression therapy by the minute at .50 cents per minute ( if you have not had your FREE trial, lets us know to get you booked. By the way Our Zero gravity chair is now FREE for anyone  waiting for a loved one during their session.

In addition to  NORMATEC we have an inversion table that clients and use after any session FREE of charge.  To learn more about inversion tables and its benefits feel free to call us or do a quick google search to find out more.

You are also  more than welcome to use this area to stretch using our exercise ball or as some may refer to it yoga ball after any session.

We do have one quick ask for you.  If  you have had a session with us and loved it but  have not reviewed yet on google, yelp or facebook please take second to do so.  It will be greatly appreciated.   If you by any chance did not love your session please send us an email with your feedback for a chance to allow us to do better to serve your needs.

The Serene Spot

Be Blessed, Be a Blessing!

Get Connected
The Serene Spot
1175 State St, Suite 221, New Haven, CT
parking and entrance in rear of building

(203) 400-1293


Sessions booked Monday to Saturday
8:00 am to 7:00 pm some sundays & holidays
We are located inside UHaul building. Please use State street entrance located behind the building.
© 2020 The Serene Spot. All Rights Reserved.
Website by Cloud IT Guru